Got the bike!!
Not had much time on it. Have done only 200 miles and running it in as per the book. Therefore limited to 4k rpm. Initial impressions is that this bike rocks!!. It feels lighter and more flick able then my 06 636. The suspension is quite hard but will be fiddling with it soon. I will try the settings suggested recently in fastbikes magazine. If anyone has better set up tips then please let me know. My bike came with corsa III tyres. They are obviously not getting too warmed up at the moment with the cold climate and 4k rev limit- they feel a bit like wood. I don't like the look of the rear hugger and am thinking of getting a Puig one. Any other good huggers out there?. I looked at the pyramid ones at the NEC but thought they looked tacky. I did take it to 6k once or twice and the noise of the engine really does start to change (together with the oomph!!!!!). Cant wait to get the engine singing beyond 7 or so K. Got a few things for it for Xams- bobbins, carbon tax disc, tank side protectors (official Kawasaki ones). The weather seems quite good for the next week or so (but cold) so my aim is to get 400 or so miles in before mid Jan then first service then and the Akra goes on!!. This is my first litre bike and I am am not disappointed one bit. This thing appears to have the maneuverability and is not much bigger then a 600 with the power of a rocketship. I have a cleaning fettish and hace coated all the metal bits with ACF 50 and the plastics with silicon polish. The finish on the bike looks ace and I want to try and keep it that way.
Hope you all had a merry Xmas and have a happy new year!!