I've seen the film and loved it...thought Heath ledgers performance was effortlessly brilliant! hence why I think its been tipped for an oscar.
I am always happy to hear other opinions, but sometimes do get annoyed at narrow mindedness. Why is/was Heath Ledger a cunt? Did he wrong you? What do you expect, that he comes into your houses and gives you unique performances of Shakerspeare Sonnets?? ffs lads...have a bit of depth!
Heath Ledger (despite doing the odd dodgy film) was a great actor for his years. No Doubt. His performance in Ned Kelly was incredible and also in the infamous Brokeback Mountain. To be a straight guy and generate on screen chemistry such as that between him and Jake Gyllenhaal is no mean feat.
I love films, always have and take every film on its own merits. So TDK for me, ticks all the boxes and actually sticks to what was/and always has been a dark and more adult comic book hero....its about time that more films where made like this. Where the makers didn't feel they had to rush the ending, and disappoint its viewers. It made sure all the ends where tied up and all plot lines where followed. Without restricting the actors range. Heath (and to be honest Bale also) make this film so engrossingly brilliant.
Each to their own lads...but at least make your point!