Well back from BRNO with mixed feelings.
Bike felt a bit flat in the midrange to me compared to the Gixer, but seemed to scream to the redline.
My mate was with me on a K9 thou and he reckoned I was pulling away from him on power by a few bike lengths.
Handling wise I was suffering from chatter which took a good few sessions to get to an acceptable level. BRNO does have some bumpy sections so other people were suffering as well.
As I got used to the bike and started the pace I started suffering problems shifting from 2nd to 3rd. Tried switch to race shift as the box is nowhere near as slick as a Suzuki gearbox and thought that might help as push down to shift should have been more positive than snicking up. Did seem to make a difference until the bike got hot, then it would select 3rd and jump back to 2nd after a second. VERY VERY dangerous so by midday on last day I quit.
I've spoke to Jeb at MSS and before I'd finish telling him what was happening he told me the box needed aligning and shimming as lots of people have had trouble when the bikes put on track or raced. So I'm taking the bike to them Monday. It could be a straightforward reshim and align or if I've done any damage to gears/dogs/forks it could turn out to be more.
Unlikey Kawasaki will do anything as bike has been tracked.
The electronic steering damper seemed to work fine but I did get a fault light up a couple of times.