any thoughts??
right, how many of you go to track days and then come home and say yes that was me in the green leathers riding the 636? (or whatever combo u want)
so in light of this why dont we have a section where we run it as a live update. ie if u were at silverstone u could put silverstone in the green leathers on the 636 post it live then if another member checks it he could be there and maybe even be in the next garage?? sounds odd but its an ice breaker i would hate it if i could of met people that was there but didnt even know. who knows this could work on a bigger scale? remember theres normally alot of people at these things and its always nice to be able to make friends. even if u dont meet aleast u can share the day(if ya want to that is). this can be opened up to every type of rider at any track?