well my bike has gone on egay , however all is not lost , let me explain.
Funds are a little tight at the mo and as we had 2 cars and a bike it was decided to sell the bike then the 2nd car and make do with one.
Lucky break No1 , after taking all the pictures of said car and bike laptop crashes , so head up to old fellas to use his comp , put the car on first then ran out of time to list the bike (had to go pick up a mate getting back in to town ) (honest).
Lucky break No2 - take laptop to get fixed and am told be ready for mon/tues , (not looking so good now want them to take their time)
Manage to wait till thrsday before getting so much grief that i went and got it back, all the while checking egay at work to see how the car is doing.
Luckybreak No3- car is doing better than i'd thought and by friday afternoon is sold and the fella wants the car that day , "fine says i" "i can travel a bit to meet you if it helps " so arrangements made of we go in both cars do the deal and by the time i get home , yep to late to list the bike.
So on this goes each day right up to today when there is no place to hide and no excuse left .
The only option now to keep harmony and my nads are to go through with the deal as agreed .
So the bike goes on egay properly listed and has been checked with an eagle eye to make sure its all above board.
The only card i have left to play now is the fact that wifey has no idea how much the bike is actually worth .
So have put it on fairly high in the hope that no one will buy it as there are cheaper ones out there and have managed to convince wifey that there is no point in advertising elsware as it all cost money and lack of that at the mo has brought us here !
Not to mention with selling the car i reckon we will be fine for a bit or at least thats my version and i like it cos it means keeping the bike,
which i am ment to be going for a little jolly with a mate for a few days down to the lake district at the start of April.
So its game on and hope to f**k at the wkend its still here.