First day in an American school, the teacher introduces a new student who arrived in the US a couple of weeks before: Sakiro Suzuki (son of Sony's top manager).
The lesson begins and the teacher asks: "We will now have a general knowledge test: let's see if you know American History.
Who said: "give me liberty or give me death"?
The classroom remains silent but Suzuki raises his hand: "You know the answer Suzuki? Please tell it to your classmates!"
"Patrick Henry in 1775, Philadelphia!"
"Very good Suzuki!"
"Who said: the government is the people and the people cannot disappear"?
Suzuki: "Abraham Lincoln in 1863, Washington!".
The teacher is surprised and tells to her students: "You should be ashamed; Suzuki is Japanese, he just arrived in our country and he knows our history better than you!"
In an embarassed silence a voice: "*#~@ the bastard japs!".
"Who said this?"
Suzuki raises his hands, and without waiting: "General MacArthur in 1942, Panama City and Lee Iacocca in 1982, Detroit"
The classroom remains silent but a voice says: "I want to vomit".
"I want to know who said this!!!"
And Suzuki replies: "George Bush Senior to Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka during an official dinner in his honor in 1991 in Tokyo"
Another lad stands: "*#~@ing Suzuki "
Little Suzuki replies "Valentino Rossi to Ryo, South Africa Grand Prix, February 2005"