I sorta completely agree witht he whole capital/corporal punishment thing in some small respect but what if someone on this site was mistakenly identified as a bike thief and had their hands/balls/head cut off or whatever, is that 1 screwed over person worth it for what i am sure would be a very minimal difference in crime rate??
Also did anyone see motorway cops ont he bbc the other night there i think in the episode they stopped/chased 8 cars in total, 2 got away, the lorry burglers got away, one guy they where looking for a reason to stop even tho he hadnt done anything they settled on saying is seatbelt was off breathalised him, he had a small amount of alcohol on his breath from the night before so they marched him to the police station where he tested below the limit so they had to let him go, they stopped another car for the number plate being illegal, searched the guys found a bit of cannabis arrested them and then let them off with a caution and finally they actuially managed to arrest someone who had stolen a car(who got a suspended sentance) now for all of this they had helicopters and all sorts of shit out and got no-where, where the hell is uk tax going? surely more bobbies on the beat would be far more effectual???