I had a woman in a shitty wee car sitting in front of me at the lights in the fast lane(couldnt get round her) it was a 70(kmh) limit with the slow lane full of cars. The lights turned green and i almost shot streight up her arse, not because i put any throttly on or anything jsut that she accelerated so slowly it was unbelievable up to a top speed of 40(again km/h)with all the traffic in the slow lane over taking her. I banged my horn revved my engine the usual, eventually i nipped round her on the insidde gave her the old single fingered salute and dissapeared off until the next traffic lights where she wound down her window and started going nuts at me for being an anti-social bastard, speeding psycho that kind of thing.
Also roundabouts are a far better system than traffic lights. In the uk you have visual sensors on top of the traffic lights to let it know there is traffic waiting and turns to green faster on the ligths with more traffiic waiting. In the netherlands in their wisdom they put scales underneath the ground to give them this data, of course bikes arnt heavy enough to trigger them so you end up sitting at lights for ages unless theres a car behind you that you can get to pull forward onto the scales.