I know it all goes against common sense, you move next to an air field or race track and you expect a bit of noise, some people don't want any noise at all and just complain. To be fair venue owners to a degree have become a little greedy and insensitive to locals. At one time places like Elvington were mainly used at weekends for motor sport. Then F1 and other mototsport teams wanted to use the place in the week, GT car teams wanted to test through the night, and whilst we love the sound of any high performance engine I would think after a time it would become tiresome. Most of us like rock music but if your niegbour had the sound system at 11 most nights you would get a little bothered by it.
And like you say Shongololo they still run up some of the old aircraft from time to time, but it is after all an airfield not a motor sports center.
Its a pain in the butt that a few people can bugger up a great weekends fun at the track because they moved in to the area and the call the shots on what can take place even though its a years old established activity. The E.A. has to by European law act on all complaints. Now don't get me started on European law, and health and safety AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH