General Category > Newbies Intro

Fridayman in da house!! :hello2:

(1/12) > >>

Hi all.

I don't ride a 10, but I have been told that you lot will possibly look past the fact that I ride a Gixxer... Anyway, I'm in Surrey and regularly meet up with a couple of the other members on here.

Welcome to the site matey.

I don't ride a 10 either but it is a Ninja.  I'm sure that you'll be welcomed with open arms and rear view mirrors.  Well they tell me there's nothing faster so I'll assume that they will all be watching you in them mirrors  anyway.

How do fella

welcome matey.... yeah were not really a zx10r forum just a forum full of nuthouse patients that think we're bikers....... yes nurse I am coming  :angel5:

ps everyone allowed in here matey don't let the name put you off.... :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: GRNINJA on February 21, 2007, 11:37:14 AM ---... just a forum full of nuthouse patients that think we're bikers....... yes nurse I am coming  :angel5:

--- End quote ---

Has to be a nut house if ZXYoghurt  :drunken_smilie: is allowed in...


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