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Shaved Pussy!!!
2 pints of heavy: asked for it...there was this thing called fecal japan...don't know if it is still there but it was gross.imagine butterscotch out of your ass...nuff said...i'm a sick twisted little fucker...has to be the long winters... [rofl]
or depravity!
2 pints of heavy:
--- Quote from: 2 pints of heavy on February 19, 2007, 12:18:58 AM asked for it...there was this thing called fecal japan...don't know if it is still there but it was gross.imagine butterscotch out of your ass...nuff said...i'm a sick twisted little fucker...has to be the long winters... [rofl]
--- End quote ---
you talking about this Heavy NOT WORK SAFE UNDER 18s DON'T CLICK
2 pints of heavy:
yup...still makes my sick to my stomach just looking at it.. :icon_puke_r: :icon_puke_r:
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