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I am in  :icon_thumleft:

Andy J:
Glenn, now the site has been running for 20 months I think you should add a voluntary donation button with a tally of what money have been received to keep the site running, if people don't wish to donate that's absolutely fine but for those of us who do then there's an option and a counter to see how things are going  :icon_thumright:

We've covered this several times previously and i feel that the time is right as the forum has been here for almost 2 years now thanks to you  [pray]   :icon_thumright:

Old Son:
It would be nice to know how much needs to be raised to keep the site going. A voluntary button is great but could it be linked with an amount left to be raised? The reason I suggest that is because its easy to think everybody else is donating and enough has been raised whereas if a running total is shown it can act as a reminder that 'every little counts'

or start a VIP section as in other forums.


--- Quote from: Shongololo on June 24, 2008, 08:11:54 PM ---or start a VIP section as in other forums.

--- End quote ---

or not ....  :roll:


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