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The Blade....

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Oi you lot...wait until a Guys backs turned and start mocking his new machine... :mad:.... :lol:....I'll make the decision wether the writing stays on or not...tis possibly a bit Cheesy....I had a good wee blast last night and as expected it can warp speed....handling is the moment the Bikes just laughing at my efforts...but I'm taking time to dial in to the way the Blade delighted at the moment.... ;-)    thumbu
PS: Richie I dont have any photos Mate or I would post them for you...Soz.

Andy J:
 glad you are loving it  :icon_thumleft:   it's just friendly banter because we can't read the language I assume japanese  :boxing: maybe it's just jealousy   :icon_scratch:


--- Quote from: Andy J on October 11, 2006, 07:55:15 AM --- glad you are loving it  :icon_thumleft:   it's just friendly banter because we can't read the language I assume japanese  :boxing: maybe it's just jealousy   :icon_scratch:

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It translates to "Honda Power" or so I'm advised.... ;-)


--- Quote from: Alzo1000RR on October 11, 2006, 07:56:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: Andy J on October 11, 2006, 07:55:15 AM --- glad you are loving it  :icon_thumleft:   it's just friendly banter because we can't read the language I assume japanese  :boxing: maybe it's just jealousy   :icon_scratch:

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It translates to "Honda Power" or so I'm advised.... ;-)

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Nah it doesn't it says "Lotus blossom looking for manly bum love" :D


--- Quote from: r1ninja on October 11, 2006, 08:21:25 AM ---
Nah it doesn't it says "Lotus blossom looking for manly bum love" :D

--- End quote ---
[rofl] [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

I like that ha ha..

Its alright MY it doesn't look that bad.... the bike is very sweet.... it is just banter I aint taking the mick at all....  thumbu


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