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The Blade....

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What do you think Chaps...will get some more  piccies of my own...just to dark last night...these shots were taken by the previous owner...Yoshi Can...Power Commander...and the suspension has received tweaks...the Bike is one sorted package and I cannot wait until I get some bonding time....I'm one happy Boy... :lol:

Andy J:
lovely, it's familiar, how long did the last owner have it for ?  :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: Andy J on October 10, 2006, 07:25:22 AM ---lovely, it's familiar, how long did the last owner have it for ?  :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---
Not long...he bought it off his friend who I had thought of buying it from several weeks ago but couldn't convince Mrs A.....anyway it all came down to affordability...I got a great quote for Insurance the previous owner was toiling to get something that was affordable / reasonable....the outcome is sweet....I've got her and I'm soooooo chuffed...cannot wipe the grin off my face this morning.... thumbu...I'll miss my wee 636...but I know it has went to a good Home so all is good.

Andy J:
nice one, looks superb  thumbu

V nice.  Those Yoshis really howl!


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