Gallery > Gallery
my 10r colour scheme
before and after for me as well
Sooner the bloody better.
This thread has been dangling for ages now.
Oh and my vote it for before and after shots :icon_thumright:
OK GUY'S IM LOCKING THIS TOPIC UNTIL I HAVE THE PICS DONE, Should be done soon...... :icon_thumright:
Hi Guys, sorry for the wait.
I know some of you might have seen the distance shots at Skeggs MCN or on the MCN Web site. :headbang:
any how, im not going to list the mods as i cant be arsed and dont have time but its been worked.
not only bolt on's but engine too.
I just luv this machine and reminds me of fruit....banna split lalalalal [rofl] [rofl] feast your eyes guy's and enjoy :occasion14:
I got fed up with the picky's sorry
fucking barstard I hate you :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: I want it allll give me all the bling :pottytrain2:
its awesome buddy :headbang: + bhp
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