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my 10r colour scheme

<< < (10/19) > >>

before and after for me as well

Sooner the bloody better. 

This thread has been dangling for ages now.

Oh and my vote it for before and after shots  :icon_thumright:

OK GUY'S IM LOCKING THIS TOPIC UNTIL I HAVE THE PICS DONE,  Should be done soon......  :icon_thumright:

Hi Guys, sorry for the wait.

I know some of you might have seen the distance shots at Skeggs MCN or on the MCN Web site. :headbang:

any how, im not going to list the mods as i cant be arsed and dont have time but its been worked.

not only bolt on's but engine too.

I just luv this machine and reminds me of fruit....banna split   lalalalal  [rofl] [rofl]  feast your eyes guy's and enjoy :occasion14:

I got fed up with the picky's sorry


fucking barstard I hate you  :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: I want it allll give me all the bling  :pottytrain2:

its awesome buddy  :headbang: + bhp


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