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my 10r colour scheme

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ok guys, well she's back and looking very awsome...  im just about to add the mods, so i promise pictures will be up very very soon, with a list of my mods....  :tongue3: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:

Andy J:
'Granddad Andy sits at his computer tapping impatiently waiting for these pics of the beast ' [whistle]

Can't wait to see 'em fella  :hello2:

PUT IT TO THE VOTE.................
ok ill count the next 10 votes..... who wants to see her B4 Mods or AFTER  :dontknow:

YES  OR NO............

let the forum speak  :icon_thumright:

no after after X 10 I win I rule  :headbang:

Andy J:
eh, after would be good  :icon_scratch:  got me there  :dontknow:


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