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Track day nutters
--- Quote from: basmati1 on May 22, 2008, 05:48:25 PM ---K, thanks for that, I'm back "on track" now, gotta get me to one and bust ma track day cherry :headbang:
--- End quote ---
you won't regret it :icon_thumleft:
:shock: FeCk!!...fOOk!! tOsser!!....peeps like that that ruin trackdays and put others off!!...waNkerS!!
Just had something similar done to me at Croft yesterday.
Looks scary on video but it's nowt compared to real life - I shit myself [rofl]
It knocks your confidence a bit too - took me another 2 sessions to stop tensing up entering every corner !
Caught it on video if anyone's interested.
As long as you edit out the bit where you shit yourself...Don't really want to see that [rofl] [rofl]
Just watched the Vid :shock: :shock:
That was soooooo close to him being T Boned [naughty]
What the Feck was he thinking about? Its plebs like him that puts innocent trackday riders in Hospital
I saw it happen last year at Donnington on the last session, 2 guys giving loads racing each other, then some poor guy on a Ginxer7 got taken out my some monkey into McCleans :pain10: when he lost the front on the brakes
The ironic thing is that the track is still the safest place
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