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Here's My Weapon....

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fuck me... did you let rik waller sit on your tank or summatt???? that bikes propper fucked!!!!!!  :-(


--- Quote from: mikeybeamish on February 07, 2007, 04:42:59 PM ---fuck me... did you let rik waller sit on your tank or summatt???? that bikes propper fucked!!!!!!  :-(

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 :lol: no just a little cart wheel was enough...

Andy J:
ooops  :roll:

what did you do with her i would have tracked it and had 2 beasts? [clap]


--- Quote from: Henas on February 08, 2007, 08:53:54 AM ---what did you do with her i would have tracked it and had 2 beasts? [clap]

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Well, it turned out the frame spars cracked and it took the sub frame. so i stripped it down.
I already had spare panel to re build her if it wasn't for the frame.

Any way i bought a 55 plate with bottom end damage 3 weeks ago, so i have re built the 55 plate and sold it to my mate.

in fact its just gone to dream machine to be painted. hes having it in GP Colourse 2005.


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