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Vance and Hines race baffle kit ZX10r 06/07

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--- Quote from: kwackerszx10r on February 04, 2007, 10:41:13 PM ---Vance and Hines race baffle kit ZX10r 06/07

Keep the standard can look, road legal markings for officer dibble ........ What do you think, give it a go or leave it alone?  :icon_scratch:
2006-2007 Kawasaki ZR10R Racing Baffles Sound Clips

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GUys, not sure if this is true but i was told today that police / mot stations have to test bike on Db's in english he said it was no longer required to have the kite mark on exhaust.

ill put it to the test next time im out and get stopped... well officer have you got a db tester to prove my exhaust is to noisey? :emb:

Andy J:
aye and isn't it more of a coppers judgement now on loudness sort of thing albeit what if you have a legally stamped can and he doesn't like the sound ?  :icon_scratch:


--- Quote from: Andy J on February 06, 2007, 10:28:19 PM ---aye and isn't it more of a coppers judgement now on loudness sort of thing albeit what if you have a legally stamped can and he doesn't like the sound ?  :icon_scratch:

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lets face it.. if they want us they can get us  :boxing:

and who would wnat to keep them Fugly standard looking cans anyway  :icon_puke_r: :icon_puke_r: :icon_puke_r:


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