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Vance and Hines race baffle kit ZX10r 06/07

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Vance and Hines race baffle kit ZX10r 06/07

Keep the standard can look, road legal markings for officer dibble ........ What do you think, give it a go or leave it alone?  :icon_scratch:
2006-2007 Kawasaki ZR10R Racing Baffles Sound Clips

Andy J:
vance and hines packing  [rofl] and a cheap home made baffle  :icon_scratch:  nah looks like a rip off to me  :dontknow:

dont make sence to me [naughty]

Ok curiosity gets the better off me sometimes ........ will this work and how will it sound...... will it be a total waste of money or will it rival other race baffles? :icon_scratch:

Andy J:
looks like cheap tat to me buddy  ;-)


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