General Category > Have a laugh in 'ere

bragging lumberjack


this lumberjacks in the pub kinda pissed & starts bragging that he knows everything about wood
so this boy up the bar from him gives him a challenge
he say i bet you cant tell me what type of wood i have just by smelling it
no problem says the lumberjack so they blindfold him
the boy breaks off the leg from a stool & puts in front of the lumberjacks nose
the lumberjack gives it a sniff smiles & says man thats way to easy its just pine & he`s right
so next the boy breaks a bit off a table & puts it up to the lumberjacks nose
tha lumberjack gives it a sniff oh he says thats mahogany & he`s right
next the boy goes over to this woman in the corner whispers in her ear & brings her over
he then pulls up her skirt drops her knickers & lifts her up so the crack of her arse is in front of the lumberjacks nose
the lumberjack takes a sniff phew he says im not sure about this one can i smell a different part
no problem says the boy & lifts her up so her fanny is right in front of thr lumberjacks nose
the lumberjack takes a sniff yuch says the lumberjack this ones got me beat but if i was to take a wild guess i`d say it was
a shit house door thats been made from old fish boxes.

2 pints of heavy:

 [whistle] [whistle] [rofl] [rofl]

Andy J:
 [rofl] :headbang:

oh dear  [whistle]  :dontknow:


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