a women in morrisons notices a young assistant. hes got a cute arse and it
makes her randy!she asks him to carry her shopping to her car.
on the way she cant hold back anymore and says "ive got an itchy pussy",
he says "you'll have to point it out love,all these fucking japanese cars look the same to me"!
wife gets naked and asks hubby,"what turns you on more,my pretty face or my sexy body?"
hubby looks her up and down and replies:"your fucking sense of humour"!
two essex girls pick up a perfume sample from the counter,sharon sprays it on her wrist,
"thats nice innit,dont ya fink Trace"? "yeah,wats it called? Vien a Moi,
wot the fuck does that mean Shaz? the assistant pipes up,its french for 'Come to me'
Shaz sniffs again,"dont smell like cum to me does it to you Trace"?