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rockingham onboard footage 24/3/08

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tbh bc,if you dont know how to ride a thou,then the 636 will be quicker anyway.

It's a fair jump from inters to the fast group imho. The last time i was in inters i never got passed and felt i was being held up to the point of frustration  [wall]  I know the fast group is safer (again imo) but you need to be ready to have some real quick lads passing at close quarters. Even after racing on the dirt for a few years i still found it hard to swallow how fast and close some people come past you. Once your used to it and as you get a bit quicker it becomes really enjoyable.  :icon_thumright: And personally i would not recomend going in the fast group for the first time at a small track. I did mine at pembrey it was mental !! 0.59's anyone  :shock:. Somewhere like silverstone would be a much better venue to see if you like the quicker group  :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: bikerchick82 on March 29, 2008, 03:33:21 PM ---The track 636 is one down and three up  :icon_thumleft:

We were talking about him moving up and the only problem with being in fast group at the longer/faster tracks is that he'll be up against people who know how to use the thous instead of the ones who are fast because they have a litre bike (Do you know what I mean?)

Hence fast group for tracks such as Cadwell and Rockingham  :icon_thumleft:

--- End quote ---

Sorry I disagree there ....... Mark MC101 knows how to ride a thou and his bike was poorly he jumped straight onto a 600 (admittedly a seton one) and he was still considerably faster than I was and I had 30 bhp on him

if you are able to ride fast enough to get past that many people then you are in the wrong group... even if you are the slowest person in the fast group you will still get a hell of a lot more out of being in the fast group rather than going round everyone.....  his lines were all off because alll he was doing was lining people up... in the fast group you get the lines right and you become faster .....

if there are club boys on big 170 bhp bikes then so what they will go round you.... its not a race he doesn't have anything to prove other than to have fun....  :icon_thumleft:

Rotax you too fast for that group mate come on son  :icon_thumleft:

What you also have to bear in mind is other riders. It's not fair on people be it in inters or fast group to have to keep dealing with riders that are not up to a good safe pace for that group, Nor should slower riders have to have club racers steaming past them in the inters. I see Hotrax are changing the groups on some of their days they are using.....


I wonder if this it to give the people who have to go in the advanced group, not because they are quick but just so they can say advanced if someone asks what group they where in  [rofl]
I wonder if it makes any differance  :icon_scratch:

It would be much better if we had longer days and

with 4 groups but still 20 mins a session


easy really but days too short  :cry:


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