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make me quicker

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 :icon_thumleft:all the above plus mebbe a radar scanner for those elusive camera's that really slow a bike down when you aint using it cos you are doing a stint at HM's pleasure for being caught at 180...  :cry:

Mate all thes trick bits are great,

but the easiest way to make it quicker

is twist the fooking throttle harder...... :headbang:


--- Quote from: madlad on May 11, 2008, 10:12:37 AM ---Mate all thes trick bits are great,

but the easiest way to make it quicker

is twist the fooking throttle harder...... :headbang:

--- End quote ---

 [rofl]  :iamwithstupid:

 :iamwithstupid:  :lol:


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