Well i have to start by saying that my partner gave birth to a baby girl on tue 18th making me the proud father of a baby girl,we named her poppy weighing 7lb 11oz :
.........And whats the 2nd baby i hear you ask!!!! well i took delivery of my new 10 today,fookin freezin it were and a little bit of cold wasnt enough to put me off picking her up,however when i got ready it started snowing,so you think i went home,right?no chance
.it stopped 4 a while went out 4 an hour and it went like a dream,cant wait 4 summer now
Grninja posted a great link regarding running in a bike which my dealer more or less agreed with,having originally ordering the black i had a change of heart and got the green,after all i had an 04 black 10 and this is has a lot of black in it
.Not had a bike for 8 months so looking forward a few good rideouts,
im sure a lot of you guys organise these days out???