no probs Glenn, exercise is good for the mind
with regards to sprinters they are bulky because they train for short 10sec 100mtr or
20sec 200mtr sprints.
this high intensity short burst training releases more growth hormone from the body.
they also use the upper body to pump them selfs along. Linford Christy once said his
arms and shoulders are his engine that feeds his legs. cant see how that works but it
did the trick for him
long distance runners are substantialy slighter in build as they train for longer distances
at a much lower intensity, they dont grow. their diet is more carb based aswell.
i suppose in reality any excercise is better than none. take the stairs instead of the lift.
if im short of time and need a quick fix i will walk up and down the stairs 30 times taking
double steps. this realy burns and hits all your leg muscles
once you get in a rotine its great, ok i realise life is full of pitfalls but its one way you can
try and stack the odds in your favour to live a longer life