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My 10R in Brown ;)

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Andy J:
I'm liking those pipes pal  :icon_thumright: ..

......... so what sort of shade of brown is that then  [whistle]   [rofl]


Andy J:
now I'm laughing............  [rofl]

Looks nice to me and that price is excellent, I reckon that second hand ones must be going for daft money now then......  can I smell dog poo , well you started it  [whistle]                                [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


--- Quote from: Andy J on January 21, 2007, 03:51:38 PM ---now I'm laughing............  [rofl]

Looks nice to me and that price is excellent, I reckon that second hand ones must be going for daft money now then......  can I smell dog poo , well you started it  [whistle]                                [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

--- End quote ---

I have no comment, I've learnt to live with lots of things and If I mange to pass someone with this they will have to live with that ! ;)

Some people still wonder why I'm taking it on track even after seeing the colour......


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