General Category > Newbies Intro

Poached courtesy of SaffieD!

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Howdo folks!
Not wanting to be controversial but I owe my presence here to SaffieD!
Let me explain...I am curently with another bike forum and thouroughly enjoy the company of the fellows and lasses over there, but whilst scanning Flea Buy saw an ad for a ZX10R owners forum.  Now to be honest I had never even thought that there would be any sites dedicted to a certain make never mind model, so eagerly goined up with them.  Trouble was you only got access to about 3 topics unless you paid the membership fee, which would then grant you access to the whole site.
I was seriously toying with the idea of paying up as a site dedicated to the 10 sounded like a worthy cause, that is until I saw a thread by SaffieD.  D was obviously somewhat dismayed that he had returned to the site having not been on it a couple of weeks, to find that he was now locked out of the threads he had contributed to unless he paid.  Quite rightly he had started a thread to  air his grievence and I must admit D was very civilised, luckily for me he mentioned how another forum (two guesses who?) didnt demand any funds yet allowed access.
So....Here I am folks, a proud owner of a shiny 06 black 10 and looking forward to a future with youselves.

P.S  Cheers SaffieD for showing me the light. Unfortunately your thread on that site has been removed.  At least you saved one, thanks!  :occasion14:

2 pints of heavy:
welcome Ben...this is a great forum...i am on a couple more in Canada..but i like this one the best...after posting a few more'll know what i mean :icon_thumright:

welcome ben nice bike, I have activated your gallery login too enjoy you time here its FREE  :icon_thumright:

welcome ben enjoy the site

Andy J:
welcome Ben, :hello2:

you see Glenn you're a top bloke for building such an excellent site :occasion14:


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