Thanks for the warm welcome fellas. Glad to see there a few other mature?
riders on the site. Grinja will look out for that issue.
Majickwak and zx10rbob, I am in Southport so would be up for a meet, usally stay North/East of Southport as North Wales has a cretin for a chief constable. Real shame as the roads are good in contrast to the traffic policy.
zxyogi it's an 08, wanted it as soon as I read Roland Brown's article in the Mag rag, a visit to the rocket centre pushed me over the edge(after a truly pathetic attempt to be objective over a fag outside). Didn't even sus the insurance and minor details like dosh before I did the deal. Bit like when I got the H2 when they came out.
Sold that for a ZZR1100, which despite being a good bike just never did it for me. Anyways glad to be aboard, cheers to those I have not mentioned.