Technical Stuff > Forum How To's

How do I post audio clips?


Anyone know how to post an audio clip, e.g. WM file? Got a couple of e-mails that I thought I could share but can't copy them here :icon_scratch: Not too tech minded so keep it in layman's terms please :emb:

you need to have them hosted somewhere mate then just post the link in here.... there is no way of hosting the clips on the forum as if I did allow it I would soon run out of disk space....

use something like this to host the file  :icon_thumleft:

Cheers GR,
Will give it a bash :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: john.658 on February 25, 2008, 09:58:09 PM ---Cheers GR,
Will give it a bash :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---

No worries mate

Glenn  :icon_thumleft:


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