Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

Why is it that...............

(1/2) > >>

Honda's are faster that Kawasakis?

Baring everyone else falling off at Assen, I can't remember kawasaki actually taking another win?

No Honda on the other hand................................ LOL!!

zx10r bob:
Who the fxxk let you  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] gona have to have a word with DA Management and get your honda ASS blocked.......................P.S please tell the boys on which type of motor bike you won your open class seaon on.........................oooo no was it a KAWASAKI by any chance..............good luck with posting [rofl] [rofl]

Andy J:

ooohhhhh have we got a stirrer , wheres the Banbot  :tongue3:

2 pints of heavy:
i can have my 2 Irish cousins Bruno and Angelo drop by his house....hehehe...
HONDA...makes one hell of a generator...oo and a nice lawnmower too
SUZUKI...the pride of their fleet...the grand vitara they make nice keyboards


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