General Category > Newbies Intro

ZX10R Erm not quite there yet!

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ps welcome to the forum  :icon_thumright:


--- Quote from: Andy J on January 18, 2007, 08:21:03 AM ---Welcome pal , you don't have to own a 10R to be here at all, all you need is an interest in bikes any make any model  :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---

 :iamwithstupid:  I have a gixxer  :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :occasion14:



Thanks People. I feel loved!! :emb:
A bit about me. Erm Erm Had bikes from 18 (25years OhGod)  :roll:
Most of that on 750 Kawaks of different types, But the 7r has been a long term thing, ended with a Ray Stringer 793 conversion on Ohlins, Oh what fun we had with them big bikes!!! :pottytrain2:
Live in Lincolnshire and take Photo`s in WSB. which is nice. Please feel free to have a wunder through my web site.
Bikes have been a passion for me for life. and the 10r i hope will be the next chapter. with all you people on the sites help of course.
 So ok. Whats good and more importantly what bad about the 2006 10R.

2 pints of heavy:
welcome to the site..... :occasion14:


First of All .... WELCOME....   :headbang:   I'm a miserable eld git like ZX10 Bob... sorry Bob !  AND More importantly, an ex 7R fruit cake..... Loved It wish I'd sold the wife and kept the 10 and the 7.   I faked around wi the 7R to make it the bike it should have been, Lowered the front, jacked up back, +2 teeth on the back etc ... then after 7 years and  40000 miles part'exd it for my 06 zx10.  Then the trouble began......   :crybaby2:        [naughty]  But the good news is, I've now got it sorted to the stage where its not only rideable but Rocketship they all are ...f a n t a s t ic !  go get one ! .... but don't part wi that 7R  [naughty] [naughty] [naughty]

Check out the .... " Be honest " ... posting etc

Sorry to go ON ...n  On  . . . .  anyway WELCOME Boyo  [clap] [clap] [clap]


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