For Sale/Wanted section > Bikes/Parts For Sale

just like Mikeys on fleabay

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Andy J:
look here son, there's no point in buttering me up to try and get a few bob from me.......... I've told 'Mum' and she says

 'TIDY YOUR ROOM and there are tissues stuffed at the side of your bed that you need to sort :roll:  [rofl]

just buy one you know it makes sense  :occasion14:


--- Quote from: Andy J on January 28, 2007, 11:27:40 PM ---look here son, there's no point in buttering me up to try and get a few bob from me.......... I've told 'Mum' and she says

 'TIDY YOUR ROOM and there are tissues stuffed at the side of your bed that you need to sort :roll:  [rofl]

just buy one you know it makes sense  :occasion14:

--- End quote ---

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]



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