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You damnit....yes YOU!

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ohh i likes it :D

if i do get a zxr4 im not sure im gonna want a onepiece...not at the speeds i'll be going at with a restrictor  :crybaby2:

is it true if the cops think you're breaking the law with the power of your bike while your on your cbt and pull you over for it you've got a week to get the bike to them?so in theory i could not actually have the restrictor "switched on" ,ride about like that and not get in trouble?

2 pints of heavy:
my son and I

awwww thats so cute ^.^

zx10r bob:
ummm most suits come with a choice of two piece or one piece............most ladys go for the two pe, cos when you need to pee its a lot easyer  :emb:

but a one piece is a lot stronger and safer cus when your sliding down the road on your back its the one piece you hope your waring..................

i would`nt get to hung up on the hole 33bhp thing it will still have  enough power to put the wind in your hair,,,plus all the lads will tell you its not all about straight line speed,a guy on a 400 on the back lanes is a hard man to beat.......... :headbang:

2 pints of heavy:
i agree with's more the rider and not the horsepower.. ya i pull away on the back stretch...but my friends on 600's eat me in the corners cause they have been doing it for a lot longer than me....

in Canada at least ...on the track you have to have a 1 piece or a 2 piece with a zipper that goes all the way 2 piece has an 8 inch zipper in the back so it's just for street use only....either way you'll pack it nicely and the boys will all drool :tongue3:


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