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Found this - 996 Ontrack playing
Thanks guys ... all rather tongue-in-cheek... my mate (who was in VDV) claimed the 996 couldn't run in the fast group any more due to lack of power (it only dyno's at 125rwbhp) and rubbish brakes ... quick service of the brakes and voila - still gets toasted by a respectable ridden thou in a straight line but it works just fine on the brakes!
2.47 gives a perfect insight into the 996 experience! wonderful chassis and cornering, but watch that other guy dissapear down that straight. nice one, enjoyed that mc101 :icon_thumright:
Are you gonna use that as you excuse when you rode the 996 Mark? ;)
No excuses now you're on the 1098!! :lol:
ok, you rumbled me, i,m shit!!! :emb: [rofl] [rofl]
Nice riding Mark.
I remember hearing the bubbles bursting for a few that day [rofl]
--- Quote from: chriswillis on February 19, 2008, 07:01:27 PM ---
Just goes you to show no matter how quick/slow your bike is, decent brakes are a damn good investment. :headbang:
--- End quote ---
Agree with what you're saying but it's doing a little injustice to MC's riding methinks.
If you can enter corners at those sorts of speeds your braking distances are naturally shortened.
So,whilst good brakes are important i'd argue that the ability to ride with massive corner speed is just as important :icon_thumleft:
I know this because I had excellent brakes and still got mullered regualrly into corners [rofl]
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