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Police vs Bikers (non UK)

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Not sure if this a repost but well worth a look , not sure if they really care for the human life ethos of us bikers

You hear the fucker wheelspin as he pulls out! Not a case of SMIDSU - that was deliberate :mad:

the bikers shoud of fucking smashed the coonts head in  [wall] [wall] [wall]

glad they are not that fooking brainless over here

arek PL:
For Your information guys- it have happened in Poland,
In Poland whatever happenes its always bikers fault. Recently in my town in Poland biker died beacuse of accident with drunk car driver. Quess whos fault was it?    bikers because was speeding. doesnt matter car driver was drunk, bike was on the road with priority-in Poland it doesnt matter. BIKERS ARE EVIL AND ALWYAS GUILTY.


--- Quote from: Wiz on February 15, 2008, 12:23:17 PM ---Not sure if this a repost but well worth a look , not sure if they really care for the human life ethos of us bikers

--- End quote ---

thats terrible mate  :-(


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