General Category > Newbies Intro

This girl needs help...

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shhhhh don't tell anyone Andy that was our secret :emb:

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

2 pints of heavy:
my first bike was an 1150 GSE...but i wouldn't recommend trying can restrict your bikes there...that's awesome..and too bad about the little 250's...they are a fun bike to run around town with :icon_thumright:

Hi ZXgirl,
hope you enjoy the site.  You've managed to pick the best place in the world to live, the SW is sweet when it comes to biking roads.  I live in Honiton, but travel quite often to see friends and stuff in Taunton.  Whatever you decide with the test and bike front, just do it safely!!   



--- Quote from: big_gaz on January 15, 2007, 02:25:35 PM ---Hi ZXgirl,
hope you enjoy the site.  You've managed to pick the best place in the world to live, the SW is sweet when it comes to biking roads.  I live in Honiton, but travel quite often to see friends and stuff in Taunton.  Whatever you decide with the test and bike front, just do it safely!!   


--- End quote ---

Aww thanks.I know why we get cheaper insurance dont you? [rofl]

welcome,what ever you do,be safe 


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