General Category > Newbies Intro
This girl needs help...
awww lol well congrats for being so amazing :occasion14: i hope it doesnt take me too many goes to pass my bike test...I get nervous when old men are watching me with a clipboard in their hands. I will turn 21 in the 2 years so I guess I'll go for the biggy as soon as I can.
:emb: wan't nothing really.... just need to be confident thats all.... you'll do fine... just make sure you do the course with a good school :icon_thumright:
well i think the local one is an alright school from what ive heard but none of this is cheap so I'd better get saving and I just realised today I can't sell my car...I need it for the volunteer work I do DOH! [rofl]
I couldn't sell my car I love it too much.... I am as much a car person as I am a bike person.... my bike is my weekend warrior machine my car is my work horse...
Andy J:
--- Quote from: GRNINJA on January 15, 2007, 12:02:14 PM ---I couldn't sell my car I love it too much.... I am as much a car person as I am a bike person.... my bike is my weekend warrior machine my car is my work horse...
--- End quote ---
and lovely it is too
[rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
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