Gallery > Modification Gallery

Akra titanium can, black hanger and R&G protector

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So begs the question? Why Post??

Andy J:
I did as a pic in the modification section last year  [wall]

Posted on: Today at 02:35:51 AMPosted by: hesaves0211 
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whats the point of the r&g protector

and to close this, point of the R&G protector is to protect the can in a spill  :icon_thumright:

damn you andy, stop posting pics of akra cans will you, you've got me wanting one now lool

I got one and i like it in a Shrek loving kindof way!!



--- Quote from: zxyogi on May 07, 2007, 11:13:13 AM ---I got one and i like it in a Shrek loving kindof way!!


--- End quote ---

In a " my Dads bigger than yours " kinda way .......................................................

I got 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


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