Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all
Anyone else been for a blast today???
look on the bright side you have a job ?
not me hehehe [wall]
--- Quote from: Henas on January 14, 2007, 05:20:29 PM ---look on the bright side you have a job ?
not me hehehe [wall]
--- End quote ---
yeah , sorry dude :-S
Managed to talk one of my neighbours to take his CBR600F out today, first time he's been out in ages. I even gave him some of those heated wrap grips. Anyway did a bit and we swapped bikes so that he could have a go on mine. We stopped about 15 miles later and he couldn't stop grinning. I think I may have convinced him to go and trade his sofa against one.
I didn't like the CBR myself, felt like I was riding a Chopper or something, I must be so comfortable on my 636 that the Honda's riding position was just to upright for me, but still gave it a bit of a thrash.
wonder what you would be like if you took the beast out majik
Andy J:
motocross for me today :hello2: , have just finished washing the bikes and kit and the cars too :icon_thumright:
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