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carbon hanger on the 07

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--- Quote from: Jon177 on February 07, 2008, 10:05:36 AM ---Top Job Silky + BHP mate :icon_thumright:

Who makes that and how much just out of interest?

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cheers all  :icon_thumright:
its a millie rsvr carbon hanger from a guy on flea bay dont know what make it is but its proper thick a little modding is needed, looked at it and thought it might fit and it very nearly does so i fabbed a bracket .

That looks the biz mate  :icon_thumright: sorry to copy but i am going to do the same when i get back from spain  :glasses9: +bhp mate

come on now you know its copy right :lol:
no seriously im glad you think mine is worth that  :icon_thumright: but remember when your at a meet and some1 says its cool you gotta say its from silkys [rofl]


--- Quote from: Andy J on February 06, 2008, 11:22:17 PM ---that's loads better  :icon_thumright:

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love it to bitz chap,i made an ally  joby for my hp but thats cool,im up
for some copying to chap,,,sorry :headbang:


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