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Newbies 2006 ZX10R.
why dont you get one then
Nice one " 955 " Lurve the Akro's...... and I too didn't wonna move too far away from the factory look, I think the 06 back end grows on ya, ... a bit like girls wi' nice nockers [rofl] . When you decide to wiz the akro's in the bin, in favour of a 4:1 ( see big gaz's... nice ! ) let me know and I'll give you tenner for em, coz you've obviously got LOADS o MONEY ! [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
Gotta agree the 06 is growing on me big styleeee,spesh the front end!!
The back is too heavy looking and needs skinnier cans....i like the undy seat cans look but the cans [and that heat shield needs to go]as i said need to be less bulky.
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