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Andy J:
lookin good Jon and lucky you to have a warm garage.......  :icon_thumright:  mine takes ages to get warm with my little heater at this time of year  :roll:


--- Quote from: Andy J on January 16, 2008, 10:12:56 PM ---lookin good Jon and lucky you to have a warm garage.......  :icon_thumright:  mine takes ages to get warm with my little heater at this time of year  :roll:

--- End quote ---

Its aint central heated mate [rofl] I have to put the little halogen heater on about 1hr before i go in just to take the chill off :lol:

I have a oil radiator heating my garage  B-)

my garage is v.cold.

mind you it has rather a good colony of large spiders :icon_thumleft:


--- Quote from: slapknacker on January 18, 2008, 09:25:57 PM ---my garage is v.cold.

mind you it has rather a good colony of large spiders :icon_thumleft:

--- End quote ---

 :iamwithstupid: mine's the same  :icon_thumright:



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