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Race clipons fitted

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Been busy on the bike this weekend. I fooking love fitting new bits to bikes in a lovely warm garage :headbang:

Started like this

And finished like this

As you can see i didnt have many options as to where to locate the Brembo Reservoir. The SES clipons are so chunky that they cover the hole that i was going to use under the yoke, so i made the hole go all the way through and mounted it like that. I think it looks ok, so im happy with it.

Just need to Get/make some lock stops now and im sorted.

job done then :icon_thumleft:

looks good mate, are the clip ons longer than standard
for better leverage for conering, or do they reposition your hands.

They are about 3/4" longer than standard and you can have them at any angle you want, they are not fixed like the standard ones.

nice job jon looks good

You lost your sock!  :shock:


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