Gallery > Modification Gallery
A new bum for my bike!
Hi all, have made a few mods since I bought her back in May. So far I've put:
1. Fabri Double bubble (smoked)
2. Tail tidy inc small plate
3. R&G bungs for the swingarm and forks
4. Seat cowl Kawasaki original (its a crap fit)
5. Pyramid carbon hugger
6. Micron Serpent full system plus PCIII and pipercross AF
Hope you like/approve
Oh yes, I've taken off the rear brake master cylinder and rear pegs, keeps everything neat.
All kwasaki cowls are a crap fit which is scandalous considering their price. Bend the hooks for an anti rattle cure
You must be right, it doesnt rattle so much, but the gap around the sides was uneven, it took a lot of twisting and pulling to get it seated half as well as the Pyramid oneI had on my 9R.
mine seems alright not so much rattle, though that shite don't bother me, I can't feel it hooning a light speed ;-)
Andy J:
mines fine but does rub a little on the other panels, fucking crap build !
Bike looks really nice pal :headbang:
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