Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

WHEELIE SCHOOL (for biker biffs like me)

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just thought i'd ask, anyone here been to wheelie school, or interested in goin?????????

looked at a few places, some say they teach power wheelies, cos they don't damage the bike
others say the teach clutch wheelies, cos they dont do any damage to the bike.

whats the score

sounds like a cool school trip, for all you grown ups to go on - maybe you can teach me how its done!!!!!!!!

The missus did one years ago and had a right laugh.......

Didn't improve her wheelies after she got back though.

I have never learned how to clutch up.  I use the snapped throttle and tug technique and then get to a balance point.  But I destroyed a gearbox learning how to go through the gears.  Does in the selector cogs too!!!!

Once you can do it smoothly, it doesn't do a great deal of harm.  Its all the ham fisted moves while learning that screws it up!


I know how to wheelie..... I just need the ball part to keep it up...... though I would fancy a wheelie school just all that doh for learning to do something I already know..... :roll:

Andy J:
just get out on your bike and give it a go, it's really easy   :icon_thumright:


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