as everyone's doing their christmas bit I thought, what the hell !,why don't I type up something nice and 'warming'
ok some drivel
It's certainly been an interesting year, well I'll prob not get time to write a 2007 summary due to family visits etc, so here goes for a few highlights
Glenn, you are a bloody star and have done so much to keep the site up and running and what a great site it is too, there seems to be a steady influx of guys/gals joining and all because the site is here, and most importantly it's attracted some great people (me excepted of course
). Keep up the good work pal you've built a great community here for sure. I'm sure this site takes loads of your time but it's worth every minute
Bike wise over the year it's been a shame to see a few guys fall on track days etc i.e. R1, Roxy, John (on Mr Kawasaki's 6), Chrisblack10R, Gopher then Jedi on the road and Bunny too , I'm sure there are others too
lets hope that there are less off's next year
Thanks to everyone who's contributed to the site since it started just over a year ago, there's so much shared info here now and a helpful group of people, it's an info point for not only bikes but pretty much everything
and thanks to the Zx10R staff/mods for keeping the site 'dusted and polished', I know how it can take a lot of personal time
On a personal note I'm just happy to be a part of the site and do hope to participate in more than one trackday next year
and I might even bring out the pink wheeled machine a few times in the summer
Anyhow, Have a great Christmas with your families and a very drunken New Year start
Andy J