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Platoon on BBC1 in 10 mins

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gimpys are great, just fuckin heavy. spent most of it in light weight "special" kit. [whistle]
 so no big radios and the like. plenty of little radios and other electronic shit. :tongue3:


--- Quote from: HammyUK on December 09, 2007, 01:26:06 AM ---gimpys are great, just fuckin heavy. spent most of it in light weight "special" kit. [whistle]
 so no big radios and the like. plenty of little radios and other electronic shit. :tongue3:

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I had to carry the PRC 320 as we was left far in enemy lines we had to have long range kit(self sufficient) funny how we used old school HF though  [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

still hard to beat for power/range. the "little" stuff is ok but fragile as fuck.
NI was one of the worst. at least the ragheads are easy to spot [whistle]

Drumcree Marches was the best mate fookin awesome craic  :headbang:


--- Quote from: GRNINJA on December 09, 2007, 01:20:44 AM ---
--- Quote from: snow on December 09, 2007, 01:17:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: GRNINJA on December 09, 2007, 12:56:48 AM ---
--- Quote from: HammyUK on December 08, 2007, 11:42:16 PM ---Hard but awesome to watch

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one of the reasons I went in the army and got into war shit was cause of films like platoon  :icon_thumleft:

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Too right, Hamburger Hill sold it for me. Of course I then joined the signals.....58 pattern webbing and comfy 110 FFRs not quite the trenches.... :roll:

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I was only uncomfortable for the first year of service I then went Recce platoon and we used WMIK's so was relatively comfy.... I just had to carry a fuck load of weight... Being a signal gunner on a WMIK sucks especially when you have to carry section kit like lions sights or spy glass including CWS and PNG's along with you GPMG and your personal weapon  :roll:

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We just mainly carried sandwiches, and an enormous sense of wellbeing....... :emb:


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