General Category > Newbies Intro

Hi All

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I have a couple of friends with ZX10Rs.   I always said that you dont need all  that  power on the road.

But I need it running onto the GP circuit at Brands.  And I need it going on to the hanger straight.

And I need it to help me keep it up for longer!!!!!!  :roll:

Had one of the first TLS,  MilleRs,  Blades....... the 600 was an attempt to improve my riding by buying a bike I have to work at to make it fly! Think I'm ready to return to the hp fold now, and take my 600 skills with me!!!

Ha Ha....... I' m so full of it!!!!  :emb: :crybaby2:

And I think I posted that on the wrong thread!!!!!!    DOH! :iamwithstupid:

welcome, and once again, well done ANDY!!!!!!!!!

however glenn, i'm sure he appreciates your help !!!!!!!!!!    :lol:

ps glenn, please dont kick me off the site, we all love ya really (honest)

Andy J:

 [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]


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