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acko RR:
wots the verdict fellow riders just landed yesterday from dream machine who said you need a main beam and passing light i think it just finishes it off :icon_thumright: :headbang:
Andy J:
aye aye cap'n
It does make the bike look nice just not my thang really, but it'd be a shit world if we all liked the same :icon_thumright:
acko RR:
--- Quote from: Andy J on November 25, 2007, 10:16:30 PM ---aye aye cap'n
It does make the bike look nice just not my thang really, but it'd be a shit world if we all liked the same :icon_thumright:
--- End quote ---
i no wot your saying andy not every ones cup of tea but it really floats my boat [rofl] [rofl] [rofl] :icon_thumright:
Andy J:
it finishes your bike off well pal :icon_thumright: +bhp
acko RR:
--- Quote from: psg1 on November 25, 2007, 09:52:17 PM ---big thumbs up from me matey :icon_thumright:
--- End quote ---
why many thanks matey it must be a replica bike thing :occasion14: :headbang:
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